"My Stress Melted Away Instantly"
"I was struggling in my business to find the expertise I needed to not only fix what was wrong in my Xero accounts but show me how to avoid it again. It has been going on for months and was a source of frustration. I had spoken to other 'experts' but they were less than helpful to say the least. It was in the 'too hard' basket.
Kia spent her valuable time with me going line by line in my accounts to find the error and then, like an angel fixed it in a jiffy. My stress melted away instantly.
She then gently instructed me on how to avoid it happening again and amongst other helpful hints how to keep my accounts in order. She didn't mind repeating herself to help me learn - She possesses a ton of patience! A true godsend. She even followed up a couple of weeks later just to 'check up on me' - who does that these days?? Customer Service 10/10 thank you Kia."
- Lisa O

"Transformed my business"
"Working with Kia has been so amazing for my business. Being a business owner and mother I feel sometimes I have no direction or know where to start, Kia has helped really transform my business strategy and direction by giving me little tasks to complete each week, she is organised and keeps me on track with my business goals."
- Jade L
"Working with Kia feels like having a business partner"
"Kia has been a delight to work with. She's taken all of my ideas and business segments and put them into a birds eye view so that we are able to look at each aspect individually and refine and improve and in some cases create brand new systems entirely.
Kia does things with me and for me, and is great at creating systems and operations.
The service I receive feels catered to me, and Kia is really good at keeping up with my ever changing needs and ideas.
For me she has been a great investment. Working with Kia feels like having a business partner!
Her skill sets compliment mine and she has helped in enhancing the business operations side of my business. She also has taken on small project management type activities and has always delivered.
She takes feedback really well and it feels like she's always on my side.
I highly recommend!"
- Rebecca B
"I don’t know what I would do without the services of Tell Me More"
"Using Kia as a consultant has been effortless in that she listens to my questions and requests, she evaluates my requirements and she always provides a workable solution. She’s reliable and honest and, her knowledge, both on day to day finance practices and on Xero system capabilities is incredible. Don’t know what I would do without the services of Tell Me More."
- Liz C

"I cannot recommend this power house business woman enough!"
Kia is a Star! I cannot recommend this power house business woman enough.
Her professionalism is like no other.
I've never seen someone so excited by a spread sheet. Working with Kia is like have a fairy godmother to cross your T's and dot your I's.
- Nat W